今後の予定 の変更点

* 今後の予定 (update 2024.09.12) [#b09810f0]

- 2024.11.27~
[[''日本鋳造工学会関西支部 令和6年度秋季支部講演大会'', 2024.11.27, 近畿大学・東大阪キャンパス, 東大阪, 大阪>https://jfs-kansai.jp/dl/240809.pdf]]~
   * 山本航, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 山下満, 西竜治, 市川聡~

- 2024.11.17-11.22~
[[''15th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '24 (ALC'24)'', 2024.11.17-11.22, Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, Japan>https://www.jvss.jp/division/mba/alc/alc24/]]~
   * S. Mizuno, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', R. Nishi, J. Yamasaki~
     "Three-dimensional reconstruction of surface morphology of a polycrystalline particle"~

- 2024.11.15~
[[''企業・大学・学生マッチング in HIMEJI 2024'', 姫路, 兵庫>https://www.city.himeji.lg.jp/sangyo/0000027624.html]]~

- 2024.11.02-11.03~
[[''日本顕微鏡学会 第67回シンポジウム'', 2024.11.02-11.03, 北海道大学工学部, 札幌, 北海道>https://microscopy.or.jp/symposium/]]~
   * 山本航, 新橋創太, ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 関一郎, 西竜治, 市川聡~
     "たたら製鉄試料を用いた Network tele-microscopy の教育利用"~

- 2024.10.30-11.01~
[[''The 10th TKU-ECUST-KIST-OMU-UH-IHU-KMITL-UTAR-TNU-HUIT Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials and Applications (JSAMA-10)'', 2024.10.30-11.01, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China>http://ndc.x170.zbwdj.com/]]~
   * ''[Invited]'' ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', M. Yamashita, M. Todai, R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa~
     "Network tele-microscopy in cities and regional areas"~

- 2024.10.25-10.28~
[[''日本鋳造工学会 第184回全国講演大会'', 2024.10.25-10.28, 富山国際会議場, 富山>https://jfs.or.jp/gyouji/184taiaki/]]~
   * ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 佐藤海斗, 浅田涼介,谷脇鉄平,柏井茂雄, 兼吉高宏~
     "STEAM教育・ 砂型鋳造実習教材としての金属モチーフの開発"~

- 2024.10.19-20~
[[''日本銅学会 第64回講演大会'', 2024.10.19-20, ライトキューブ宇都宮, 宇都宮, 栃木>https://www.copper-brass.gr.jp/non-category/7483]]~
   * ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 柴田顕弘, 松室光昭, 武村守, 千星聡~

- 2024.10.16-18~
[[''11th International Conference on Charged Particle Optics (CPO11)'', 2024.10.16-18, Fukui Prefecture International Exchange Hall, Fukui>https://www.right-stuff.biz/CPO-11/]]~
   * S. Mizuno, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', R. Nishi, J. Yamasaki~
     "Three-dimensional reconstruction of surface morphology of a polycrystalline dendrite particle using bright-field TEM images"~

- 2024.10.13-10.17~
[[''2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition(PM2024)'', 2024.10.13-10.17, Yokohama, Japan>https://www.worldpm2024.com/]]~
   * M. Yoshida, Y. Konishi, S. Onda, K. Sato, K. Tohma, ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', A. Yanagitani~
     "Investigation of Morphology and Reusability of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for 3D Printer Based on Particle Characterization"~

- 2024.09.25-09.28~
[[''The 4th Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science and Technology (JSAMST-4)'', 2024.09.25-28, University of Hyogo, Himeji, Japan>https://www.eng.u-hyogo.ac.jp/4th-jsamst/]]~
   * ''%%%K. Sato%%%'', ''%%%S Konda%%%'', ''%%%T Nagase%%%'', S Kashiwai, M Kimura~
     "Lecture of Al-Si alloy casting processes in Department of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy, School of Engineering, University of Hyogo"~
   * ''%%%T. Tatematsu%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', A. Shibata, M. Matsumuro, M. Takemura, H. Fujii, A. Takeuchi~
     "Fabrication and Solidification Microstructure in the Ingots of Ti-Zr-Mn-V-Ag Alloy Designed through Machine Learning"~
   * ''%%%K. Yamamoto%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', M. Yamashita, R. Nishi, S. Ichikawa~
     "Network tele-microscopy observation system in Research Center for Advanced Metallic Materials at University of Hyogo and Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Technology"~
   * ''%%%D. Yamaguchi%%%'', ''%%%T. Nagase%%%'', A. Heya, K. Sumitomo, K. Kanda, S. Inoue, M. Yamashita~
     "Fabrication and microstructure of Metal/SiOx specimens for the basic research on the electron irradiation – electronic excitation induced structural changes"~

- 2024.09.18-20~
[[''日本金属学会 2024年秋期(第175回)講演大会'', 2024.09.25-28, 大阪大学 豊中キャンパス, 豊中, 大阪>https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jimm2024autumn/top]]~
   * ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', 西竜治, 市川聡, 山﨑順~
     "超高圧電子顕微鏡network tele-microscopyによるナノデンドライトの遠隔電子顕微鏡観察"~
   * ''%%%永瀬丈嗣%%%'', ''%%%佐藤海斗%%%'', ''%%%浅田涼介%%%'', ''%%%新橋創太%%%'',  ''%%%門田優杜%%%'', 柏井茂雄, 兼吉高宏~

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