業績-2022 の履歴(No.3)




Paper (reviewed journal)

  1. T. Nagase, M. Todai, P. Wang, S.-H. Sun, T. Nakano, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 276, 125409 (2022)., "Design and Development of (Ti, Zr, Hf)-Al based Medium Entropy Alloys and High Entropy Alloys", https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.125409

Review paper

  1. 小笹良輔, 松垣あいら, 當代光陽, 石本卓也, 永瀬丈嗣, 中野貴由, チタン, 70, 44-52 (2022)., "チタン含有生体用ハイエントロピー合金の研究・開発", https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/AN10468673

Proceedings (referee reading)

Proceeding (No referee reading)


  1. T. Nagase, METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS ON LIGHT METALS AND ALLOYS, 54, 62 (2022)., "T. Nagase, Alloy Design, Thermodynamics, and Electron Microscopy of Ternary Ti-Ag-Nb Alloy with Liquid Phase Separation, [Published in Materials, Vol. 13 (2020), pp. 5268., https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13225268]", https://www.lm-foundation.or.jp/english/abstract-vol54/62.html

Invited talk (International Conference)

Invited talk (Domestic Conference)

International conference

Domestic conference

Paper cover

Press reporting

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