|[[照射誘起アモルファス化 (高速電子照射)]]|
*固相アモルファス化とマルテンサイト変態の関連性 [#p1a45580]
-Reference: %%%T. Nagase%%%, A. Sasaki, H. Y. Yasuda, H. Mori, T. Terai, T. Kakeshita: Intermetallics, 19, 1313-1318 (2011)., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2011.04.013
Both Solid State Amorphization (SSA) and Martensite (MS) Transformation are closely associated with lattice softening. This indicates that there is a close relationship between SSA and MS transformation. Generalized Lindemann Melting (GLM) Criterion implies the relationship between SSA and MS transformation from the theoretical view points. It has been reported that the amorphous volume fraction depends on the martensite transition temperature in binary Ti-Ni alloys undergoing plastic deformation [2], implying the relationship between SSA and MS transformation. However, there is no quantitative discussion about the relationship. High Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM) is suitable for clarifing the relationship in detail.~
Recently, it was reported that the stability of the B2 phase against martensite transformation monotonously increases with the Fe content in the Ti50Ni50-xFex alloy; the characteristic temperatures of martensite transformation, such as resistivity minimum, inflection point of resistivity, and susceptibility inflection point decrease with an increase in the Fe content [3]. To clarify the relationship between SSA and MS transition, electron irradiation induced SSA behavior in Ti50Ni50-xFex alloy is investigated by High Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM) [4].
[1] P.R. Okamoto, N.Q. Lam, L.E. Rehn, Physics of crystal-to-glass transformations, in: H. Ehrenreich, F. Spaepen (Eds.), Solid State Physics, vol. 52, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.~
[2] J.C. Ewert , I. Bohm, R. Peter, F. Haidar: Acta Mater. 45, 2197 (1997).~
[3] M.S. Choi, T. Fukuda, T. Kakeshita. Scripta Mater., 53, 869 (2005).~
[4] T. Nagase, A. Sasaki, H. Y. Yasuda, H. Mori, T. Terai, T. Kakeshita: Intermetallics, 19, 1313-1318 (2011)., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2011.04.013~